Hasu Sushi Mokotów
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Zestaw 22 Hasu Set 72 szt. this month from 234.00 zł for 214.00 zł.
- Sets
- Lunch Sets
- Futomaki
Soy sauce, ginger and chopsticks for free.
- 72,00 zł
Set 1 Vegan 26 pcs
futomaki in rice flake with vegetables in tempura 10 pcs hosomaki with mango 8 pcs hosomaki with kanpyo 8 pcs - 66,00 zł
Set 2 Vegetarian small 16 pcs
futomaki with vegetables in tempura, mayonnaise, lettuce 6 pcs hosomaki with cucumber and sesame 8 pcs nigiri with tamago and philadelphia 2 pcs - 100,00 zł
Set 3 Vegetarian Large 28 pcs
california with sweet potato in tempura and philadelphia, wrapped in mango 6 pcs futomaki with tofu in tempura, mayonnaise and tom yum paste 6 pcs hosomaki with avocado 4 pcs hosomaki with oshinko and philadelphia 8 pcs hosomaki with cucumber 4 pcs - 156,00 zł
Set 4 Vege VIP 52 pcs
futomaki asparagus in tempura with mayonnaise and lettuce 12 pcs futomaki oyster mushroom with mayonnaise, lettuce, cucumber, oshinko 6 pcs futomaki sweet potato in tempura with philadelphia, wrapped with mango 6 pcs california mixed vegetables with philadelphia, wrapped with mango 6 pcs california mixed vegetables with philadelphia, wrapped with avocado 6 pcs hosomaki cucumber with sesame 8 pcs hosomaki kanpyo 8 pcs - 88,00 zł
Set 5 Nigiri 8 pcs
salmon nigiri 2 pcs nigiri with gilthead 2 pcs nigiri with prawn 2 pcs nigiri with tuna 2 pcs - 73,00 zł
Set 6 Hot 12 pcs
futomaki with baked salmon, philadelphia cheese, mango, kanpyo and lettuce 6 pcs california with tempura prawn, mayonnaise, cucumber, oshinko and togarashi 6 pcs - 71,00 zł
Set 7 Toro 12 pcs
futomaki with gilthead, philadelphia cheese, lettuce, mango, kanpyo and cucumber 6 pcs california with crab stick, philadelphia cheese, avocado, cucumber, wrapped in fish 6 pcs - 62,00 zł
Set 8 Hikari 14 pcs
futomaki with salmon, philadelphia cheese, lettuce, cucumber and avocado 6 pcs hosomaki with oshinko and philadelphia cheese 8 pcs - 88,00 zł
Set 9 Maguro 16 pcs
futomaki tuna, oshinko, cucumber, chives, leek 6 pcs hosomaki tuna 8 pcs nigiri tuna 2 pcs - 99,00 zł
Set 11 Tempura 18 pcs
futomaki with baked salmon, philadelphia and cucumber - roll in tempura 6 pcs futomaki with gilthead in tempura, mayonnaise, cucumber, oshinko and lettuce 6 pcs california with prawn in tempura, mayonnaise, cucumber and oshinko 6 pcs - 108,00 zł
Set 11 Kokoro 18 pcs.
Futomaki salmon, philadelphia, avocado, cucumber (whole roll in tempura) 6 pcs Hosomaki baked salmon (in soy flake)- kabayaki sauce, sesame 8 pcs Nigiri fired salmon (parmesan majo, tobiko)- kabayaki sauce 2 pcs nigiri steamed shrimp 2 pcs - 111,00 zł
Set 12 Ninja 20 pcs
futomaki with panko seabream, mayonnaise, chilli, cucumber, oshinko and lettuce 6 pcs futomaki with salmon, philadelphia, cucumber, lettuce and avocado 6 pcs california with tempura vegetables and mayonnaise, wrapped with prawns and mango 6 pcs nigiri with salmon 2 pcs - 99,00 zł
Set 13 Salmon 22 pcs
California salmon, philadelphia, avocado, cucumber, lettuce (in sesame) 6 pcs futomaki salmon, philadelphia, avocado, cucumber 6 pcs nigiri salmon 2 pcs hosomaki salmon 8 pcs - 143,00 zł
Set 13 California 24 pcs
california with salmon, philadelphia, cucumber, avocado and tobiko 6 pcs california with tuna, mayonnaise, chilli, cucumber, oshinko, leek and togarashi 6 pcs california with baked salmon, philadelphia, cucumber, kanpyo and lettuce, wrapped in mango 6 pcs california with prawn in tempura, cucumber, oshinko and lettuce, wrapped in avocado 6 pcs - 90,00 zł
Set of 15 Chicken Set 24 pcs, sweet- chili sauce 50 ml.
Futomaki chicken in tempura, philadelphia, parmesan mayo, bell bell pepper, cucumber, lettuce, leek (in rice flake) 10 pcs futomaki chicken in panko, spicy mayo, lettuce, cucumber- kabayaki sauce, sesame 6 pcs hosomaki chicken in tempura 8 pcs - 122,00 zł
Set 14 Tomo 26 pcs
futomaki with salmon, philadelphia, lettuce, cucumber and avocado 6 pcs futomaki with tuna, mayonnaise, chilli and cucumber 6 pcs california with prawn in tempura, mayonnaise, cucumber, oshinko and lettuce, wrapped with eel and mango 6 pcs hosomaki with oshinko and philadelphia - roll in tempura 8 pcs - 185,00 zł
Set 15 VIP 30 pcs
california tuna in tempura with mayonnaise, cucumber, oshinko, wrapped in mango 6 pcs futomaki salmon with philadelphia, lettuce, cucumber and avocado 6 pcs california prawn in tempura with kanpyo, cucumber, oshinko, lettuce, mayonnaise, wrapped in eel 6 pcs futomaki crab salad, tempura roll 6 pcs nigiri salmon 2 pcs nigiri tuna 2 pcs nigiri eel 2 pcs - 156,00 zł
Set 16 Roasted 32 pcs
futomaki with baked salmon, philadelphia, cucumber and kanpyo - roll in tempura 6 pcs hosomaki with oshinko and philadelphia - roll in tempura 8 pcs tamago with prawn in tempura, mayonnaise, cucumber and oshinko 6 pcs california with tuna in tempura, chilli, philadelphia, cucumber, oshinko, lettuce and togarashi 6 pcs futomaki with gilthead sea bream in tempura, mayonnaise, lettuce, cucumber and kanpyo 6 pcs - 133,00 zł
Set 17 Promo small 34 pcs
futomaki with tempura gilthead, mayonnaise, cucumber, oshinko and lettuce 6 pcs Futomaki with tempura vegetables, lettuce and mayonnaise 6 pcs California with salmon, philadelphia, cucumber, avocado and lettuce in sesame 6pcs Hosomaki with oshinko and philadelphia 8 pcs Hosomaki with baked salmon 8 pcs - 200,00 zł
Set 18 Promo large 56 pcs
futomaki with gilthead sea bream in tempura, lettuce, mayonnaise and cucumber 12 pcs california with prawn in tempura, mayonnaise, lettuce, cucumber and oshinko, in sesame 12 pcs futomaki with calamari in tempura, lettuce, mayonnaise, cucumber and oshinko 6 pcs california with salmon, philadelphia, cucumber, avocado and lettuce in sesame 6 pcs california with crab salad, lettuce and cucumber in sesame 6 pcs futomaki with baked salmon, philadelphia, lettuce, cucumber and kanpyo 6 pcs hosomaki with oshinko and philadelphia 8 pcs - 212,00 zł
Set 21 Baked Large 60 pcs.
Tamago shrimp in tempura, philadelphia, mango, kanpyo (in tamago) 6 pcs tamago shrimp in tempura, philadelphia, avocado, cucumber (in tamago)- sweet and spicy sauce 6 pcs futomaki baked salmon, philadelphia, mango, cucumber, kanpyo (roll in tempura)- mango sauce, roasted almonds 6 pcs futomaki chicken in tempura, philadelphia, parmesan mayo, bell bell pepper, cucumber, lettuce, leek (in rice flake) 10 pcs california tuna in tempura, philadelphia, cucumber, oshinko (in togarashi) 6 pcs california calamari in tempura, mayo, cucumber, oshinko (in sesame) 6 pcs futomaki dorada in tempura, mayonnaise, cucumber, lettuce (top goma wakame)- wasabi sauce 6 pcs futomaki dorada in tempura, mayonnaise, cucumber, lettuce 6 pcs hosomaki kanpyo, philadelphia (roll in tempura)- kabayki sauce, sesame 8 pcs - 234,00 zł
Set 19 Hasu 72 pcs
futomaki salmon philadelphia, avocado, lettuce 6 pcs futomaki tuna in tempura spicy mayo, leek, oshinko, cucumber 6 pcs california surimi salad (in sesame) 12 pcs futomaki gilthead in tempura 12 pcs hosomaki baked salmon 8 pcs hosomaki surimi 8 pcs hosomaki oshinko, philadelphia 8 pcs hosomaki cucumber 8 pcs nigiri tuna 2 pcs nigiri shrimp 2 pcs20,00 zł Off - 301,00 zł
Set 23 Kobe 82 pcs.
California salmon, philadelphia, avocado, cucumber (in sesame) 12 pcs tamago shrimp in tempura, philadelphia, mango, kanpyo (in tamago)- sweet and spicy sauce 6 pcs tamago shrimp in tempura, philadelphia, mango, kanpyo (in tamago) 6 pcs futomaki baked salmon, philadelphia, avocado, cucumber, kanpyo- kabayaki sauce, sesame 6 pcs futomaki baked salmon, philadelphia, mango, cucumber, kanpyo- mango sauce, roasted almonds 6 pcs futomaki tempura cod, parmesan mayo, oshinko, cucumber, lettuce (top goma wakame)- wasabi sauce 6 pcs futomaki dorada in tempura, parmesan majo, oshinko, cucumber, lettuce- sweet and spicy sauce 6 pcs california crab sticks, philadelphia, avocado, cucumber (wrapped with rainbow fish, tobiko) 6 pcs california crab sticks, philadelphia, avocado, cucumber (wrapped with rainbow tanned fish, parmesan majo) 6pcs nigiri salmon 2 pcs nigiri steamed shrimp 2 pcs nigiri cod 2 pcs hosomaki tuna 8 pcs hosomaki oshinko, philadelphia 8 pcs - 540,00 zł
24 Party Set 142 pieces
Futomaki baked salmon, philadelphia, avocado, kanpyo, cucumber- kabayaki sauce, sesame 6 pcs futomaki baked salmon, philadelphia, mango, kanpyo, cucumber- mango sauce, roasted almonds 6 pcs california salmon, philadelphia, avocado, cucumber (in sesame) 12 pcs tamago shrimp in tempura, philadelphia, avocado, kanpyo (in tamago (top tartar salmon- leek, soy sauce, sauce, kabayaki, srilacha)) 12 pcs futomaki tuna, mayonnaise, cucumber, oshinko, lettuce, kanpyo 12 pcs futomaki vegetables in tempura, philadelphia (in rice flake)- mango sauce, roasted almonds 6 pcs futomaki vegetables in tempura, philadelphia (in rice flake, (top tartar salmon- leek, soy sauce, sauce, kabayaki, srilacha)) 6 pcs california tuna in tempura, philadelphia, mango, oshinko, kanpyo (in sesame) 12 pcs california calamari in tempura, spicy mayo, oshinko, cucumber (in togarashi) 12 pcs california crab salad, philadelphia, mayo, srilacha, leek, cucumber (wrapped with rainbow tanned fish, parmesan mayo, tobiko) 12 pcs futomaki dorado in tempura, spicy mayo, cucumber, salata (top goma wakame)- wasabi sauce 6 pcs futomaki dorada in tempura, philadelphia, cucumber, lettuce 6 pcs futomaki asparagus in panko, spicy mayo, cucumber, lettuce- sweet and spicy sauce 6 pcs futomaki asparagus in panko, spicy mayo, cucumber, lettuce 6 pcs nigiri salmon 2 pcs nigiri tuna 2 pcs nigiri steamed shrimp 2 pcs hosomaki kanpyo 8 pcs hosomaki oshinko, philadelphia 8 pcs - 159,00 zł
Set 1 - 32 pcs
6x california philadelphia salmon, avocado, cucumber (in tobiko) 6x futomaki baked philadelphia salmon, mango, kanpyo, cucumber (in mango sauce, sprinkled with caramelized almonds) 6x futomaki sea bream in tempura mayonnaise, oshinko, lettuce (top goma wakame, in wasabi sauce) 6x california crab salad cucumber (in sesame) 8x hosomaki grilled asparagus - 239,00 zł
Set 2 - 52 pcs
6x futomaki baked philadelphia salmon, mango, kanpyo, cucumber (in mango sauce, sprinkled with caramelized almonds) 6x california philadelphia salmon, avocado, cucumber (in tobiko) 6x futomaki shrimp in tempura mayonnaise, cucumber, lettuce 6x futomaki sea bream in tempura mayonnaise, oshinko, lettuce (top goma wakame, in wasabi sauce) 6x futomaki squid in tempura mayonnaise, oshinko, cucumber 6x california crab salad cucumber (in sesame) 8x hosomaki grilled asparagus 8x hosomaki oshinko, philadelphia - 389,00 zł
Set 3 - 100 pcs
12x futomaki tuna in tempura spicy mayo, oshinko, chives, lettuce, cucumber 12x futomaki philadelphia salmon, avocado, cucumber 6x california squid in tempura mayonnaise, oshinko, cucumber (in togarashi) 6x california shrimp in tempura mayonnaise, cucumber, lettuce (in sesame) 12x futomaki baked Philadelphia salmon, mango, kanpyo, cucumber (in mango sauce, sprinkled with almonds) 12x futomaki sea bream in tempura mayonnaise, oshinko, lettuce 12x california crab salad cucumber (in tobiko) 12x futomaki vegetables in tempura mayonnaise in mango sauce, sprinkled with almonds 8x hosomaki oshinko philadelphia 8 hosomaki cucumber sesame - 169,00 zł
Vege set 4 - 48 pcs
6x futomaki grilled oyster mushroom lettuce, mayonnaise 6x california grilled asparagus mayonnaise, cucumber (in sesame) 6x california tofu mayonnaise, chives, Tom Yum paste (in togarashi) 6x futomaki vegetables in philadelphia tempura (in sauce mango, sprinkled with caramelized almonds) 8x hosomaki kanpyo 8x hosomaki oshinko philadelphia 8x hosomaki cucumber sesame - 159,00 zł
SPRING set 34 pcs
California shrimp in tempura (wrapped in avocado) 6 pcs California tuna in tempura (wrapped in mango) 6 pcs Hasu Roll (in tamago) 6 pcs Baked salmon, philadelphia, mango, kanpyo (in tamago) 6 pcs Hosomaki with kanpyo (whole roll in tempura) 8 pcs. Nigiri tanned tuna, spicy mayo, leek, tobiko 2 pcs. - 189,00 zł
PROMO GOLD set 56 pcs + 12 pcs free
California crab salad (in tobiko) 12 pcs California shrimp in tempura (in sesame) 6 pcs California squid in tempura (in togarashi) 6 pcs Futomaki sea bream in tempura 12 pcs >Hosomaki roasted salmon 8 pcs Hosomaki oshinko in tempura + kabayaki sauce 8 pcs Nigiri tamago 4 pcs. + free: futomaki roasted salmon 12 pcs, roasted almonds, mango sauce - 219,00 zł
Valentine's Day set of 32 pieces
Hosomaki with strawberry, philadelphia 8 pieces Tamago with baked salmon and lychee, philadelphia 6 pieces Tamago with baked salmon and strawberry, philadelphia 6 pieces California in tobiko with salmon, philadelphia, avocado, cucumber 6 pieces California in sesame with shrimp in tempura, spicy mayo, avocado, cucumber, oshinko 6 pieces
Lunch Sets
Soy sauce, ginger and chopsticks for free.
- 50,99 zł
Lunch 1 10 pcs + wakame salad gratis
california shrimp in tempura, spicy mayo, oshinko, cucumber, lettuce (in sesame) 6 pcs. nigiri salmon 2 pcs. nigiri bream 2 pcs. free wakame salad - 53,99 zł
Lunch 2 12 pcs wakame salad gratis
futomaki salmon, philadelphia, avocado, cucumber, lettuce 6 pcs. california dorado, philadelphia, cucumber, mango, kanpyo, lettuce (in sesame) 6 pcs. wakame salad gratis - 53,99 zł
Lunch 3 12 pcs free wakame salad
futomaki baked salmon, philadelphia, cucumber, kanpyo, lettuce 6pcs california shrimp in tempura, spicy mayo, oshinko, cucumber, lettuce (in sesame) 6pcs wakame salad gratis - 53,99 zł
Lunch 4 12 pcs wakame salad gratis
california baked salmon, philadelphia, cucumber, kanpyo, lettuce (in sesame) 6 pcs california crab sticks, philadelphia, cucumber, oshinko, lettuce (wrapped in a rainbow of fish, fueled by live fire) 6 pcs wakame salad gratis - 50,99 zł
Lunch 5 14 pcs wakame salad gratis
futomaki baked salmon, philadelphia, mango, kanpyo, lettuce 6 pcs. hosomaki cucumber, sesame 8 pcs. wakame salad gratis - 50,99 zł
Lunch 6 14 pcs wakame salad gratis
futomaki salmon, philadelphia, avocado, cucumber, lettuce 6 pcs. hosomaki cucumber, sesame 4 pcs. hosomaki oshinko, philadelphia 4 pcs. wakame salad gratis - 54,99 zł
Lunch 7 16 pcs wakame salad gratis
futomaki salmon, philadelphia, avocado, cucumber, lettuce 6 pcs nigiri salmon 2 pcs hosomaki baked salmon 4 pcs hosomaki cucumber, sesame 4 pcs wakame salad gratis - 47,99 zł
Lunch 8 vegetarian 14 pcs wakame salad gratis
futomaki tempura vegetables, mayonnaise 6 pcs hosomaki cucumber, sesame 4 pcs hosomaki oshinko, philadelphia 4 pcs wakame salad gratis - 48,99 zł
Lunch 9 vegetarian 16 pcs wakame salad gratis
gunkan seagrass, sesame 2 pcs california raw vegetables, philadelphia (wrapped avocado/mango) 6 pcs hosomaki cucumber, sesame 8 pcs wakame salad gratis
Soy sauce, ginger and chopsticks for free.
- 34,00 zł
Futomaki Salmon 6 pcs
with salmon, avocado, cucumber, lettuce and philadelphia cheese - 38,00 zł
Futomaki Tuna 6 pcs
tuna, philadelphia, avocado, oshinko, cucumber, kanpyo - 32,00 zł
Futomaki Cod 6 pcs
cod, philadelphia, mango, kanpyo, oshinko, cucumber - 40,00 zł
Futomaki Steamed shrimp 6 pcs
steamed shrimp, philadelphia, avocado, cucumber - 39,00 zł
Futomaki Crab salad 6 pcs
crab salad, philadelphia, mayonnaise, srilacha, lettuce, cucumber (wrapped with salmon) - 29,00 zł
Futomaki Crab stick 6 pcs
crab sticks, philadelphia, avocado, lettuce, cucumber - 49,00 zł
Futomaki Sake tartare 6 pcs
salmon tartare, cucumber, leek, soy sauce, dressing, kabayaki, srilacha - 49,00 zł
Futomaki Tuna tartare 6 pcs
tuna tartare, cucumber, leek, soy sauce, kabayaki sauce, srilacha, sweet and spicy sauce - 43,00 zł
Salmon futomaki (wrapped with steamed shrimp)
salmon, philadelphia, avocado, cucumber (wrapped with steamed shrimp) - 39,00 zł
Futomaki Burnt Tuna 6 pcs
sunbaked tuna, parmesan mayo, oshinko, leek, cucumber, kanpyo
Hasu Sushi Mokotów
Magazynowa 9A lok. U14
02-652 Warszawa
Plattform der EU-Kommission zur Online-Streitbeilegung: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr
Wir sind ein professioneller Anbieter. Erfahre mehr darüber, wie wir gemeinsam mit Pyszne.pl die Verbraucherverantwortung übernehmen.
Dienstag, 18. Februar 2025Bardzo smaczne sushi, dobrze zwinięte, nie rozpada się, estetycznie podane. Polecam. Delikatnie dłuższy czas dostawy niż deklarowany pierwotnie, ale to kwestia drugorzędna. Polecam
Dienstag, 18. Februar 2025Joanna
Freitag, 14. Februar 2025Oktawia
Freitag, 14. Februar 2025Jedzenie smaczne. Jedyny minus to czas dostawy, zamówienie miało zostać dostarczone na g. 19, niestety dotarło godzinę później.
Freitag, 14. Februar 2025zamówiłam rano jedzenie na godzinę 16:55 przyszło 20 minut później a dodatkowo kurier nie mówił po polsku i nie potrafił trafić pod mieszkanie. Musiałam po niego wyjść.
Freitag, 14. Februar 2025Saian
Freitag, 14. Februar 2025Kuba
Freitag, 14. Februar 2025Dorota
Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2025Leszczyński
Mittwoch, 12. Februar 2025Lieferzeiten
11:00 - 21:45
11:00 - 21:45
11:00 - 21:45
11:00 - 21:45
11:00 - 21:45
12:00 - 22:45
12:00 - 22:45
Hasu Sushi Mokotów
Magazynowa 9A lok. U14
02-652 Warszawa
Plattform der EU-Kommission zur Online-Streitbeilegung: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr
Wir sind ein professioneller Anbieter. Erfahre mehr darüber, wie wir gemeinsam mit Pyszne.pl die Verbraucherverantwortung übernehmen.